
Purposeful and practical visual branding to help you share your message with the world.

Pink star

Do you feel your visual brand might need an update, but you’re unsure where to start? I’ve got you, friend.

Imagine having a visual brand that just looks and feels ‘right’. Now, imagine feeling confident in using your visuals exactly where you need them.

Creative new brand design + your choice of design assets = happy you (and me!)

Together, we work on what you want (a gorgeous new design direction & all the trimmings) and what you need (assets for websites, social media or print) to build you a cohesive, authentic visual brand.

How does it work?

We assess whether your brand needs a Rebrand or a Refresh

Illustration of a paint roller

You have a logo you love, but it’s time to update and align the rest of your visual brand to feel more ‘you’.

That’s a REFRESH.

Illustration of a hard hat

You’ve outgrown your current branding or even changed your name, and you want everything overhauled, including a new logo.

That’s a REBRAND.

Then we add the design assets you need for your specific business

Think: social media graphics, business cards, lead magnets and illustrated website icons: whatever YOU need to communicate your brilliant brand to the world.

It’s all about working together

Illustration of a stack of books and candle

You bring along these things:

  • Your business knowledge

  • Your values and vision for your business

  • An idea of your favourite clients

  • Your visual likes and dislikes

Illustration of a kit with scissors, books, magnifying glass, swatches and an iPad inside

And I'll rustle up these:

  • My design skills and experience

  • My talent for interpreting briefs

  • My processes, refined after years of agency and freelance work

  • A healthy dose of design intuition

And if you’re nervous about the process? Don’t worry — I’ll guide you through. I've got room to chat and time to listen — in fact, it’s baked into my design process.

You get

  • Design research & mood boarding

  • Fonts and colour palette system

  • Custom patterns, illustrations, and motifs

  • Brand guidelines (how to USE your designs)

  • Rebrand only: A brand new logo with a couple of variations and an icon

Illustration of a hand holding two swatch cards

Plus 8 points of design work of your choice.

Yep — that means any combination of 8 pts from below*:

  • Letterhead 1pt

    Business card 1pt

    Gift card 2pt

    Label/sticker 2pt

    Thank you card 2pt

    Invitation 3pt

    Brochure/flyer 5pt

  • Cover image 1pt

    Post templates x 10 5pt

    Stories templates x 2 1pt

    Reels cover x 2 1pt

    Instagram gifs 3 pt

  • Email signature x 1 1pt

    Email signature template 3pt

    Invoice template 1pt

    Quote template 1pt

    Pricing list 1pt

    Service guide 5pt

    Presentation template pages x 5 4pt

    Lead magnet 6pt

    Icons x 6 3pt

    Podcast art 4pt

*pssst if you’d like more than 8 points, let me know, and I’ll quote up the extra bits for you.

Your investment:

Wavy shape with pink stipe pattern


  • Brand design

  • 8pts of design assets

$3000.00 +GST

Abstract shape with check gingham pattern


  • Brand design

  • New logos

  • 8pts of design assets

$4500.00 +GST

The anatomy of a branding project

Want to see some of my work?

Photo of Values Exploration Cards pack on a table


Craft Coaching and Development was ‘growing up’ and out of its old branding. We kept the same logo but gussied-up the styling, fonts, colours and graphics to better communicate Craft’s vision and values.

Photo of a couch covered in cushions with colourful art above


From selling goodies at markets and online to a new name, new business model, new vision AND a beautiful brick-and-mortar store, Nimki needed all new visual assets, including logos.


  • A minimum of 6 weeks for the Rebrand. That might feel like a long time, but it flies by!

    The mood boards and initial logos take time because that’s where all the big thinking is done. Not just by me, but by you too! You need time to sit with the branding and consider all the options.

    Rushing the process results in rash decisions, and we don't want that!


    We’re designing everything from scratch.

    You’ll get:

    ● Design research & mood boards x 2

    ● A brand new logo with a couple of variations and an icon

    ● Fonts and colour palette system

    ● Custom patterns, illustrations, and motifs

    ● Brand guidelines (how to USE your designs)

    ● Plus 12 points of design work of your choice


    You’ll bring along the logo you love, and we’ll give the rest of your brand a birthday!

    You’ll get:

    ● Design research & mood boards x 1

    ● Fonts and colour palette system

    ● Custom patterns, illustrations, and motifs

    ● Brand guidelines (how to USE your designs)

    ● Plus 12 points of design work of your choice

  • Branding projects are broken up into 3 payments, 1/3 upfront to secure your spot in my calendar, 1/3 when we start the project and 1/3 on completion.

  • People who’ve been in business for at least one year.

    Why? Usually, the first year of business is spent refining your offer. It’s a learning curve, and often your direction changes. For that reason, I don’t recommend investing too heavily in design and instead, investing in working IN your business. I’d hate for you to invest in a fully-fledged brand only to find that you’ve completely changed your offer six months down the track.

    Once you’ve settled into a groove and have a clear focus, you can revisit your branding with more clarity and a better sense of direction.

    However, I work with people who have engaged a brand strategist to help them get clear on their ‘why’. If you’d like a recommendation, HMU.

    P.S. I definitely work with side hustles. But once again, ones that have been slogging away at it for at least a year!

  • The following things are quoted separately:

    ● Event graphics

    ● Packaging

    ● Media kit

    ● Newsletter graphics

    ● Workbook

    ● eBook

    ● Signage internal/external

    ● Window decal

    ● Website banners

    ● Infographics

    ● Website graphics

    ● A-frame/pull-up banner

Take a look at my other branding projects

Let’s chat.

Tell me about your project and let’s see if we’re a good fit! Please drop your details below and I’ll be in contact within 3 business days.

Photo of Jena on the phone with books and knick knacks in front of her on a table